Friday, January 27, 2012

It is getting cold outside is that bad for my orchid?

i keep my orchid outside during the day but bring it in at night and it is getting cold is that bad for it what should i do?

It is getting cold outside is that bad for my orchid?
Bring it inside and put it in a sunny window and water sparingly. If you don't then that means it will die.
Reply:Yep - it's bad. Orchids are tropicals and don't like cold temps. Keep it inside during the winter, and keep the humidity high around it as it doesn't like to dry out.
Reply:Yes, bring it inside all the time.
Reply:yes the frost will kill it .it needs to be indoor now as it's a tropical plant.
Reply:yep its bad because if you leave it outside it might rot and its a tropical so its bad
Reply:If it is getting under 60 degrees in the day and especially lower 60's - most orchids will suffer. They come from all climates, but the most common cultivated and sold varieties are tropical and need a warm, humid home. Install a terrarium for them indoors or place them on a wet bed of rocks and cover them with a clear plastic drycleaner bag to help them stay moist in the dry heated air of winter.

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