Tuesday, February 14, 2012

What type of condition is best suitable for Brassia (Spider orchid)?

what is the best lighting conditions, how much shoud we water and what is the best fertilizer for it (type and frequency)

What type of condition is best suitable for Brassia (Spider orchid)?
This epiphytic genus occurs in South Florida, the West-Indies and tropical America, in wet forests from sea level to altitudes under 1500 m, with the Peruvian Andes as its center. Occurrence is mostly restricted to a certain area, but Brassia caudata can be found over the whole geographic area.

Sufficient light is important for healthy growth and flower production. They may be placed in front of a half-sunny window that receives dirext sun from the east or south. Provide a little more shade if it faces the west. Under lights four to six 40 or 74 watt bulbs can be used for 16 hours a day.

For this group of orchids, temperatures considered intermediate to warm are best. 55 to 60 F at night, and 80 to 85 F during the day. Temperatures up to 95 to 100 F are tolerated if humidity and air movement are increased as the temperatures rise, a good general rule in any case.

Brassias should not be allowed to completely dry out between waterings. Seedlings need a little more water than mature plants.

Must be provided on a regular basis. Provide: The exact fertilizer you use will depend on the mix in which your plant is growing. A good general rule is to use a balanced (10-10-10, 12-12-12 or similar ratio) fertilizer "weakly, weekly". That is fertilize every week at one quarter to one half of the recomended dilution.

Brassias should be repotted about every two years before the medium begins to decompose. Young plants may benefit from being repotted yearly to a size larger pot each time.

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