Sunday, February 12, 2012

How much water should I give a small phalaenopsis orchid?

The phalaenopis does not grow in soil. It should be in bark. The pot should also be clay with a drainage hole. Put it in your kitchen sink and let warm water just run through the pot. It can not be overwatered if properly planted. This also flushes out all build up. If it is in a decorative pot without a hole or in the floral celophane get it out. Their roots do not like to be wet and will rot.

Orchids love humidity. Mist it daily if you can. Another "must" is a clay saucer, bigger the the pot's top. Put decorative rock in it and keep it full of water. This way when the water evaporates you happy orchid is getting the humidity. Only use orchid fertizer. Never transplant unless it's roots really start coming up out of the top of the planter. If you don't have good lighting, get a plant light for it.

A happy phalaenopsis can bloom several times a year! Mine do!

How much water should I give a small phalaenopsis orchid?
Twice a day will do. Make sure the roots are really wet. Orchids need a lot of water. Spray them with fertilizers too.
Reply:Keep the moss moderately moist at all times, don't over water as this can kill it.

"Watering: We recommend that plants potted in 3" pots in fir bark based mixes be watered about once every 3-5 days in the home; plants in 4" pots in fir bark based mixes be watered about once every 5-7 days in the home; and that plants potted in 5-6" pots in fir bark mixes be watered about once every 7-10 days in the home. Growmore 20-10-20 or Dyna-Gro 7-9-5 may be added to the water once every month according to package instructions or may be mixed weaker than indicated on the package and used every second or third watering. We recommend watering and fertilizing phalaenopsis potted in peat based mixtures such as Pro-Mix HP/Sponge Rock less than the same plants in fir bark based mixes. Too much water or too much fertilizer will damage phalaenopsis; especially those in a peat based mix, so the best practice is to water and fertilize lightly and not too often. Misting phalaenopsis in a peat-based mix is not recommended, for it may increase the likelihood of fungal or bacterial problems.

After the plants are watered, they should be placed so that the pots do not stand in water. Some people like to place the pots on "humidity trays" or in trays or saucers of gravel. This helps to insure that the base of the pot is not immersed in water and provides some air circulation under the pot."

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