Tuesday, February 14, 2012

How do you get an orchid to reflower?

I hope a more enlightened response will show here because I asked earlier how to care for an orchid that I bought last December. It is not in bloom now either and wonder what should be done for it.

One response was, when the stalk has turned brown, to snip it off an inch or so away from the earth. Another advised to water as usual and wait.

So I will monitor for better answers to your question.

How do you get an orchid to reflower?
I have many orchids, and i must say, they are very rewarding.Most only bloom once or twice a year. I really dont do anything special but water and fertilize/mist them. Once they stop blooming i just put them out in the corner of my patio until they start budding again.NEVER cut the stem off after the blooms have gone unless it turns BROWN. Some orchids stems stay green--do not cut these! They will most likey have new shoots that sprout off of these stems.Many will bloom for 2-3 months at a time! They can be slow to rebloom, but well worth it when they do! Enjoy!!---By the way--ive only been growing them for about 2 years! they are fairly low maintenance in my opinion compared to the rest of my garden!
Reply:Orchids are very sensitive plants. You have to give give tender loving care. The have to be watered daily at least twice a day (they love water). You have to spray them regularly with flowering solutions. Also you have to spray the roots with nutrients so they become firm where they are attached. .Furthermore, they need a lot of sunshine. If you can give them the special care they need they will give you the best flower there is.
Reply:In order to get an orchid to rebloom, you need to determine what type of orchid you have, and then give it the conditions it requires. You need to be sure that the potting medium is not deteriorated, and smells "fresh", not moldy smelling. If it is an orchid that requires strong light, it needs to be placed in a window that has good light, but not enough to burn the leaves. Orchid fertilizer should be used as recommended (very low amounts). Orchids like to have the surface of the potting medium "misted" with water spray bottles daily, which will encourage new root growth. Water once or twice a week, depending on your conditions, but do not allow pot to set in the water. The really important thing to get blossoms is to have a night-time temperature drop. Of course a window-sill should cause this to occur. I am not certain the acutal number of degrees required for this day/night difference. You could look this up, or call an orchid grower (many online).

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