Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Okay so my orchid is suposed to lose all of its flowers?

i have watered it regularly and given it plenty of daily sunlight how do i know it is losing its flowers at the right time or it is dying i have pictures of it the stem and leaves are still green and the flowers have been gone for quite some time what should i do. when i first got the plant it said that when the flowers leave to cute the stem down to about two inches should i go ahead and do that or should i wait longer?

whenever you view the pages below: in the url you will notice it says courtney/courtne... leave out the ... and add a y in its place to to view the pictures.


C:\Documents and Settings\A\My Documents\My Pictures\courtney\courtney 024.jpg

C:\Documents and Settings\A\My Documents\My Pictures\courtney\courtney 022.jpg

C:\Documents and Settings\A\My Documents\My Pictures\courtney\courtney 023.jpg

the last picture shows that the plant is still very green

Okay so my orchid is suposed to lose all of its flowers?
It's normal for all your flowers to fall off, you plant is still alive. Just continue to take care of it.
Reply:The links you have given us are on your computer; we have no way to look at them.
Reply:HI Courtney...

Leave the flower spike on until it totally turns brown, it'll brown from the top down.. What kind of orchid is it?

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